My name is Rotem Segev, the owner of Segev Technologies, a leading software, and hardware research and development company in Tel Aviv. We offer the following services: electronic card design, complex control system design, multi-axis motion controllers, industrial automation systems, process control, robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence solutions. Our clients are the Ministry of Defense, IAI, applied materials, Elta, Elbit, and more.
A little about myself: An electronics engineer with over 20 years of experience in research and technological development.
My new piece is Whizzy, an intelligent robot that teaches you languages, math and physics, plays trivia with you, guesses what celebrity you think, reads you the horoscope, dances hip-hop, keeps you from smoking, fire and air pollution (sensors), knows if you Sad or bothering you at school and sometimes a few jokes.
The product adapts to the preferences and personality of each of its users, regardless of age, alleviates loneliness, and ensures kindness and great interest – using artificial intelligence, Whizzy can do what no robot can – create lasting and entertaining relationships with its owner. You can also take it anywhere …
Of course, there will be a community of users developing apps, games and accessories.
I want to emphasize! Whizzy does not want to replace your friends … just as XBOX does not replace them. On the contrary, it will encourage you to make new social connections.
What next? Play chess with you (a real board, because it has hands that know how to catch and hold), draw a picture for you, challenge you in solving your homework, recommend new hobbies to you
Industry: Robotics, Electronics, Software Engineering, AI
Value: Consulting – Electronics, board design, software, AI, robotics
Needs: Raising capital
Offer: Sharing my knowledge
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