IT in Poland
41+ Million
UTC +1
37000+ IT companies
493 000 developers
+50 000 for 2024 year
8,5+ Billion of dollars
+99.5% specialists B2+
Hybrid, Office
Key benefits of Polish developers
One of the biggest IT region
Poland is TOP-3 IT region in Europe with more than 490,000 IT programmers and 37 000 It companies.
Top Tier specialists
Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Intel hired big software development polish teams, many other companies open headquarters.
Multilingual developers
99.5% speaks English, 16% knows German, 11% Russian, 6% French and Spanish that makes polish specialists сompatible with other European countries
Affordable developer prices
The salary of Polish specialists is slightly lower than in other European Union countries.
Growing professionals
85% of middle and senior specialists are under 35 years old, and they keep studying year by year.
Top 10 Poland IT specializations in 2024
The largest IT regions of Poland
The largest IT regions of Poland
Home to over 50 major international companies, exceeding even Warsaw
Capital, emerges as a IT hub for outsourcing and business activities with a + 1,7M residents.
City attracting businesses from the USA, Nordic and European countries.
The area is known for its thriving shipping industry and has a strong IT talent pool
Elevate your business with YozmaTech's expertise.
- Consultation for launching, fortifying, or advancing your project.
- Identifying crucial areas for growth.
- Streamlining hiring processes.
- Hiring top-tier Polish software developers.
- Ongoing support for your hired talent.
Compare Polish and Israeli developers
Number of companies
37 000
9 000
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Middle $$
Senior $$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Top 5 specializations
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
1. JavaScript
2. Java
3. Python
4. Typescript
5. PHP
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PHP
Time to hire
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Work model
Remote, Hybrid
Hybrid, Office
Office, Hybrid
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
3+ Billions of dollars
8,5+ Billions of dollars
16+ Billions of dollars
Number of specialists
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
Time to hire
Work model
Work model
Employer taxes
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$
Senior $$
Time to hire
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
37 000
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. JavaScript
2. Java
3. Python
4. Typescript
5. PHP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Hybrid, Office
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
9 000
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PHP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Office, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Questions and Answers
We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:
How many software developers are in Poland?
Poland boasts a thriving IT market with over 37,000 IT companies. The country is home to a robust community of 493,000 developers, and the industry continues to grow, welcoming an additional 50,000 new programmers in 2024. This dynamic landscape positions Poland as a key player in the european and global tech outsourcing scene, offering a substantial pool of skilled developers for diverse projects and collaborations.
How to hire developers in Poland?
If you want to hire developers in Poland, consider leveraging YozmaTech expertise. We specialize in connecting businesses with developers across various skill sets and experience levels, tailored to meet the specific needs of your project at its current stage of development.
What is the hourly rate for software developer in Poland?
In Poland, the hourly rates for software developers exhibit a diverse range influenced by factors such as experience, skills, location, and the specific technologies involved. On average, hourly rates may vary between $20 and $50 or even higher, with senior software developers or those possessing specialized skills commanding elevated rates.
What taxes for IT companies in Poland?
In Poland, the tax rates for IT companies are typically in the range of 12-15% of income, and the specific percentage depends on the type of company. The income tax rate is determined based on the legal structure of the IT company, with variations for different types of entities.
What are the most in-demand IT specializations in Poland currently?
In Poland, the most in-demand IT specializations currently vary, with specific programming languages being particularly sought after.
Top 5 technology stacks are:
JavaScript: 19%
Java: 16%
Python: 13%
TypeScript: 9%
PHP: 7%