IT in Serbia
7+ Million
UTC +1
4 100+ IT companies
48 000+ developers
+8 000 for 2024 year
913+ Millions of dollars
80% have advanced level
Office, Hybrid
Key benefits of Serbian developers
Business Accessibility
Some of the lowest taxes in EU, along with a multitude of tax incentives for IT provided by the government.
Developers Concentration
Serbia hosts 8 major European IT universities, 4 technology parks, 15 startup centers and 5 IT clusters
Innovative developments
Development of the blockchain and Artificial Intelligence sectors is actively promoted by government
Affordable developer prices
The average salary for middle and senior developers is less than what is typically seen in Western Europe.
Presence of Global Giants
Companies like Microsoft, Schneider Electric, Continental, and Everseen have significant IT hubs in Serbia.
Top 11 Serbian IT specializations in 2024
The largest IT regions of Serbia
The largest IT regions of Serbia
Capital hosts offices of major corporations like Microsoft and Everseen. It’s also a growing hub for startups, with many new ventures emerging each year.
Despite its smaller population, it competes well with other major IT capitals in Europe. Houses offices of Schneider Electric, Epic Game and other Giants.
Citi boasts a considerable number of experienced, highly skilled software developers, as well as promising students graduating annually.

Elevate your business with YozmaTech's expertise.
- Consultation for launching, fortifying, or advancing your project.
- Identifying crucial areas for growth.
- Streamlining recruitment processes.
- Hiring top-tier Serbian developers.
- Ongoing support for your hired talent.
Compare Serbian and Israeli developers
Number of companies
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Middle $$
Senior $$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Middle $$
Senior $$$
Top 5 specializations
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
1. QA
2. Project
3. Management
4. Python
5. DevOps
6. JavaScript
Time to hire
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Work model
Remote, Hybrid
Hybrid, Office
Office, Hybrid
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
3+ Billions of dollars
16+ Billions of dollars
0,93+ Billions of dollars
Number of specialists
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
Time to hire
Work model
Work model
Employer taxes
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$
Senior $$
Time to hire
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Hybrid, Office
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. QA
2. Project
3. Management
4. Python
5. DevOps
6. JavaScript
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Office, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Questions and Answers
We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:
How many developers are in Serbia?
In Serbia, the IT sector has been experiencing significant growth, evident from its market size of over 4,100 IT companies. Within this thriving industry, there are more than 48,000 developers, showcasing the depth of talent and expertise within the country. Moreover, the influx of new specialists continues to bolster this figure, with an impressive addition of over 8,000 developers in the last year alone, underscoring Serbia’s position as a burgeoning hub for IT outsourcing and nearshoring
How to hire developers in Serbia?
At YozmaTech, we specialize in connecting you with Serbia’s finest developers, perfectly matched to your technology requirements and project needs. Our tailored approach ensures that you’re paired with professionals who possess the precise skills and experience necessary to drive your project to success. With us, you can trust in personalized assistance that guarantees the perfect fit for your development endeavors.
What is the hourly rate for software developer in Serbia?
The hourly rates for software developers in Serbia can vary based on several factors, including their level of experience, skillset, geographical location, and the complexity of the technologies utilized. Typically, hourly rates may range between $10 to $40 or more, with senior developers and those with specialized expertise commanding higher rates. At YozmaTech, we ensure that you find developers who offer competitive rates while delivering exceptional quality and expertise tailored to your project needs.
What taxes for IT companies in Serbia?
In Serbia, IT companies benefit from favorable tax conditions, making it an attractive destination for business operations. The corporate income tax rate stands at a competitive 15%, providing companies with a favorable environment for profitability and growth. Additionally, employee taxes range from 10% to 15%, depending on the generated income, offering a relatively low burden for both employers and employees. Moreover, Serbia distinguishes itself in Europe by offering a range of tax incentives specifically tailored to IT companies, further enhancing the appeal of establishing and operating businesses within the country’s borders.
What are the most in-demand IT specializations in Serbia in 2024
In 2024, Serbia’s IT industry sees high demand for various specializations. Quality Assurance (QA) ranks at 10.3, followed by Project Management at 8.9. Python expertise holds strong at 9.4, while DevOps and JavaScript are also sought-after, rated at 7.2 and 6.8, respectively. These trends signal opportunities for skilled professionals in Serbia’s evolving IT landscape.