
IT in Philippines

user card id blue icon

113+ Million

clock blue icon

UTC +8

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Market size

1 100+ IT companies

users group blue icon

1,3M+ developers

user add blue icon
New specialists

+100 000 for 2024 year

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IT-sector revenue

38+ Billions of dollars

globe blue icon

Official language

house check blue icon

Hybrid, Remote

Key benefits of Filipino developers

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No culture gap

Cultural alignment between the West and Philippine enhances collaboration with software team.

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Huge market

Due to the size of the Philippine market, it is easier to hire the best developers who are in high demand elsewhere.

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Flexible working hours

Most specialists are native English speakers, enabling hiring in communication-critical industries.

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Reasonable developer rates

Lower prices for developers and other IT specialists compared to West and East Europe.

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Cutting edge projects

Local companies are represented in gaming and entertainment, with a closer focus on cyber-security.

Top 10 Philippines IT specializations in 2024

Java Script
The statistics was collected for the First Quarter of 2024

The largest IT regions of Philippines

The largest IT regions of Philippines


Boasts major software development firms like IBM, HP, Microsoft, establishing itself as the primary hub for IT professionals in the Philippines. 


Largest city by land area.
Serves as a prime destination for major tech firms like APEX IT Innovators to expand their presence in the IT industry


Business-friendly urban center is home to major players in the IT sector, including industry giants – Pinnacle Technologies operating within its boundaries.


City boasts a thriving and expanding IT sector, with notable companies. Home to the largest IT park, Eastwood City Cyberpark in Bagumbayan.

*The statistics was collected for the First Quarter of 2024


“The quality of service is at a high level”

Specialists hired by YozmaTech are very committed to the success of the product, just like the original team

  • 14 days average Time-To-Hire

Maya Digmi Roll
Product manager

Unlock your business's potential with YozmaTech's expertise.

  • Consultation for launching, fortifying, or advancing your project.
  • Identifying crucial areas for growth.
  • Streamlining recruitment processes.
  • Hiring top-tier Filipino developers.
  • Ongoing support for your hired talent.

Latest closed positions for FinTech

QA Automative
Product manager

Compare Filipino and Israeli developers


ukraine flag circle Ukraine
israel flag circle Israel
philippines flag circle Philippines

Number of companies




Number of specialists




Average salaries

Middle $$
Senior $$

Middle $$$
Senior $$$

Middle $
Senior $

Top 5 specializations

1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#

1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java 
4. C#

5. PhP

1. Python
2. QA
3. JavaScript
4. Java
5. C/C++/C#

Time to hire

Middle x days
Senior x days

Middle x days
Senior x days

Middle x days
Senior x days

Work model

Remote, Hybrid

Hybrid, Office

Hybrid, Remote

Employer taxes




IT sector revenue

3+ Billions of dollars

16+ Billions of dollars

38+ Billions of dollars

Show full table

Number of specialists

Number of specialists

Average salaries

Average salaries

Top 5 specializations

Top 5 specializations

Time to hire

Time to hire

Work model

Work model

Employer taxes

Employer taxes

IT sector revenue

IT sector revenue

ukraine flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $$
Senior $$

Time to hire

1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Remote, Hybrid

IT sector revenue


israel flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $$$
Senior $$$

Time to hire

1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java 
4. C#

5. PhP

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Hybrid, Office

IT sector revenue


philippines flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $
Senior $

Time to hire

1. Python
2. QA
3. JavaScript
4. Java
5. C/C++/C#

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Hybrid, Remote

IT sector revenue


Questions and Answers

We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:

How many developers are in the Philippines?

In the dynamic landscape of the Philippines’ IT industry, there are more than 1,100 thriving IT companies, indicative of a vibrant and rapidly expanding sector. This ecosystem supports a vast talent pool of over 1.3 million skilled developers, highlighting the country’s prominence as a hub for development expertise. With such a substantial number of software developers available, businesses have ample opportunities to tap into this rich resource and harness the diverse skills and capabilities offered by the Filipino IT workforce.

How to hire developers in the Philippines?

At YozmaTech, we excel in linking you with the finest developers from the Philippines, carefully tailored to meet your specific technology needs and project demands. Our customized approach ensures that you’re matched with professionals possessing the exact skills and experience required to propel your project to success. With us, you can rely on personalized assistance that guarantees an ideal fit for your development ventures.

What is the hourly rate for software developer in the Philippines?

Hourly rates for software developers in the Philippines can vary depending on factors such as experience level, skillset, location, and technology complexity. Generally, rates may range from $10 to $30 or higher, with senior and specialized developers commanding higher fees. At YozmaTech, we guarantee access to developers who offer competitive rates while delivering top-notch quality and expertise tailored to your project requirements.

What taxes for IT companies in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, IT companies are subject to employer taxes that typically range from 8% to 12%, depending on the income they generate. These taxes are imposed on the company’s profits or revenues and are calculated based on various factors such as the type of business entity, industry regulations, and applicable tax incentives.


Employee taxes in the Philippines, on the other hand, typically range from 20% to 25%, again depending on the income generated. These taxes are deducted from the salaries or wages of employees and contribute to various government programs and social security benefits.

What are the most in-demand IT specializations in the Philippines in 2024?

In 2024, the most in-demand IT specializations in the Philippines include Python, QA (Quality Assurance), JavaScript, Java, and C/C++/C#. These specializations are highly sought after by companies and organizations due to their relevance and importance in various industries and sectors. With Python programmers leading at 7.1%, followed closely by QA at 6.9%, and JavaScript at 6.8%, software developers with expertise in these areas are likely to find ample opportunities and career growth prospects in the Philippine IT market. Additionally, proficiency in Java and C/C++/C# remains valuable, with respective scores of 6.3% and 5.6%, reflecting continued demand for developers skilled in these programming languages.

Other countries

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Small but highly promising country with a rapidly growing IT sector, driven by young specialists and IT migrants from Ukraine and other countries.

Ecosystem size
100 000
Market size:
armenia flag cirlce Armenia

Want to hire developers from Armenia?

bulgaria flag circle Bulgaria

The largest Balkan IT leader, actively attracting foreign investment, with low taxes and salaries by European standards, as well as a high level of digitalization

Ecosystem size
70 000
Market size:
bulgaria flag circle Bulgaria

Want to hire developers from Bulgaria?

india flag circle India

The largest country, with the highest number of cheap IT specialists worldwide, among whom you can find the optimal developers and non-technical specialists for your project.

Ecosystem size
4 800 000
Market size:
india flag circle India

Want to hire developers from India?

israel flag circle Israel

Renowned as the “Startup Nation,” Israel boasts over 180,000 IT specialists with a proactive mindset, and expertise in R&D, Israeli developers are ideal for innovative global projects.

Ecosystem size
Market size:
israel flag circle Israel

Want to hire developers from Israel?

poland flag circle Poland

The TOP-3 region in Europe by number of specialists, featuring major IT cities serving as home for international giants, abundant in universities and IT hubs.

Ecosystem size
493 000
Market size:
poland flag circle Poland

Want to hire developers from Poland?

portugal flag circle Portugal

One of the most popular countries for remote IT specialists, with top universities, minimal bureaucracy in business operations, and active government support.

Ecosystem size
100 000
Market size:
portugal flag circle Portugal

Want to hire developers from Portugal?

romania flag circle Romania

Large Eastern European IT market, with strong multilingual specialists from international companies and a high level of country digitization.

Ecosystem size
200 000
Market size:
romania flag circle Romania

Want to hire developers from Romania?

serbia flag circle Serbia

Small country with a high concentration of IT specialists, hubs, and offices of international companies, as well as comfortable conditions for IT business.

Ecosystem size
48 000
Market size:
serbia flag circle Serbia

Want to hire developers from Serbia?

ukraine flag circle Ukraine

One of the largest and fastest-growing IT markets in Eastern Europe, with experienced, highly qualified specialists at affordable rates, low taxes for Employees and Companies.

Ecosystem size
300 000
Market size:
ukraine flag circle Ukraine

Want to hire developers from Ukraine?

argentina flag circle Argentina

One of the primary IT regions in Latin America, boasting numerous IT universities, quality specialists with affordable rates, and a thriving remote culture.

Ecosystem size
120 000
Market size:
argentina flag circle Argentina

Want to hire developers from Argentina?

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