36+ Million
7000+ IT companies
300 000 developers
+50 000 for 2024 year
3+ Billions of dollars
+85% at B2 level
Remote, Hybrid
Key benefits of Ukrainian developers
Big market
In Ukraine, there are more than 300,000 IT specialists of various stacks.
High level of qualifications
More than 30% of specialists have +5 years of commercial experience in international projects
Fast hiring process
The average time to hire for Middle is 18 days, Senior is 24 days.
Affordable developer prices
The average salary for middle and senior developers is lower than in Western Europe.
Low taxes
Flexible taxation system with low taxes, both for companies and specialists.
Top 10 Ukraine IT specializations
The largest IT regions of Ukraine
The largest IT regions of Ukraine
Is the capital of Ukraine and the largest IT center of Ukraine.
The key region that has hosted the majority of specialists since the start of the war.
IT city in eastern Ukraine with 69 universities, most of which have technical faculties.
Is a large, promising IT hub in eastern Ukraine.
Power Up your company with YozmaTech
- Consultation on launch, strengthening or development
- Determining key growth points
- Preparing vacancies
- Hiring the best Ukrainian specialists
- Support of hired specialists
Compare Ukrainian and Israeli developers
Number of companies
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
1. JavaScript
2. Java
3. Python
4. Typescript
5. PhP
Time to hire
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Work model
Remote, Hybrid
Office, Hybrid
Hybrid, Office
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
3+ Billions of dollars
16+ Billions of dollars
8,5+ Billions of dollars
Number of specialists
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
Time to hire
Work model
Work model
Employer taxes
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Office, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
1. JavaScript
2. Java
3. Python
4. Typescript
5. PhP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Hybrid, Office
IT sector revenue
Questions and Answers
We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:
How to hire developers in Ukraine?
YozmaTech helps you to hire software developers in Ukraine tailored to fit your technology stack and project requirements. We offer a personalized approach, ensuring that you get offshore software development team ukraine with the exact skills and experience needed for your project.
What is the hourly rate for software developer in Ukraine?
The hourly rate for programers n Ukraine varied widely based on factors such as experience, skills, location, and the specific technologies involved. On average, hourly rates could range from $20 to $50 or more, senior developers or those with specialized skills commanding higher rates.
How many developers are there in Ukraine?
As of 2024, Ukraine boasts a thriving IT industry with over 300,000 IT specialists. The country consistently produces 20,000 to 50,000 new programmers annually, covering a diverse range of technological stacks. The robust growth of the Ukrainian tech workforce underscores the nation’s significance in the global IT landscape.
What taxes for IT companies in Ukraine?
In Ukraine, IT companies have two primary tax models. Under the general system, taxes are calculated as 18% of the company’s net profit. Alternatively, the simplified system imposes a 5% tax based on the company’s turnover. These models provide flexibility for IT businesses to choose the taxation approach that aligns best with their financial structure and goals.
What are the most in-demand IT specializations in Ukraine currently?
- The top 5 technological specializations in Ukraine are as follows:
- React – 21%
- JavaScript – 19.5%
- Project Manager – 9.5%
- Java – 6.3%
- C# – 5.5%
These figures highlight a significant demand for developers, particularly in frontend development, as well as professionals in project management.