IT in India
1.4+ Billions
220k+ IT companies
4,8M+ developers
+25 000 for 2024 year
27+ Billions of dollars
90% advanced level
Office, Hybrid
Key benefits of developers in India
The largest IT Market
+4.8M IT specialists – you can find developers with any experience and skills perfectly suited to your project.
Numerous Tech Hubs
Presence of global corporations, enabling you to hire skilled programmers with international experience.
Flexible working hours
Indian software developers are willing to work across time zones, offering extended work hours for global client support.
Affordable developer rates
India offers affordable specialists suitable for positions that don’t require highly skilled IT professionals.
English proficiency
Indian software developers are proficient in English, facilitating conversation with international clients and colleagues.
Top 10 Indian IT specializations in 2024
The largest IT regions of India
The largest IT regions of India
Dubbed the City of Dreams and Bollywood’s epicenter, hosts major IT players like IBM, L&T Infotech, iGate, Tech Mahindra and many others.
City with abundant access to talent and IT thriving as a leading sector, it’s an ideal environment for startups to flourish and access specialists.
IT capital and Indian “Silicon Valley” of India, this city hosts over 22% of the IT companies, spanning from software to web development projects.
Serves as an ideal springboard for developers’ careers, offering opportunities for developers as many tech companies set up operations in the city.
Elevate your business with YozmaTech's expertise
- We provide help with starting, strengthening, or growing your business.
- We pinpoint essential areas for growth.
- Streamline personnel recruitment processes
- Hiring top-tier dedicated Indian developers.
- Support for hired specialists.
Compare Indian and Israeli developers
Number of companies
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Middle $$
Senior $$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Middle $
Senior $
Top 5 specializations
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
1. PHP
2. C#
3. JavaScript
4. Java
5. Phthon
Time to hire
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Work model
Remote, Hybrid
Hybrid, Office
Office, Hybrid
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
3+ Billions of dollars
16+ Billions of dollars
27+ Billions of dollars
Number of specialists
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
Time to hire
Work model
Work model
Employer taxes
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$
Senior $$
Time to hire
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Hybrid, Office
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $
Senior $
Time to hire
1. PHP
2. C#
3. JavaScript
4. Java
5. Phthon
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Office, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Questions and Answers
We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:
How many developers are in India?
In India, the developer community is thriving with a significant presence. With over 100 IT companies leading the charge, the market size is impressive. Currently, there are more than 4.8 million programmers actively contributing to various projects and initiatives. Moreover, this vibrant ecosystem continues to grow, with an additional 25,000 new specialists joining the ranks in 2024 alone. Such numbers underscore India’s pivotal role in the global tech landscape, fueling innovation and driving digital transformation across industries.
How to hire developers in India?
YozmaTech helps you hire top-notch dedicated developers in India who match your technology needs and project requirements perfectly. Our approach is personalized, ensuring we select professionals with the exact skills and experience necessary for your project’s success
What is the hourly rate for software developer in India?
In India, the hourly rates for software developers vary widely due to factors like experience, skills, location, and the technologies required. On average, rates range between $7.5 and $30 per hour, but senior developers or those with specialized skills may charge even higher rates.
What taxes for IT companies in India?
For employers, the tax rate generally falls between 22-25%, with the specific percentage contingent upon the company’s income level.
On the other hand, employees working in the IT sector are subject to taxes ranging from 15-30%, with the precise rate determined by the amount of income generated.
What are the most in-demand IT specializations in India in 2024?
In 2024, the most sought-after IT specializations in India include PHP (23.1%), C# (16.9%), JavaScript (12.3%), Java (9.4%), and Python (7.2%). These percentages highlight the continued demand for these technologies in various domains, ranging from web development to enterprise solutions and data science.