
IT in Romania

user card id blue icon

19+ Million

clock blue icon


building blue icon
Market size

8000+ IT companies

users group blue icon

200 000+ developers

user add blue icon
New specialists

+15 000 for 2024 year

chart line blue icon
IT-sector revenue

3+ Billions of dollars

globe blue icon

80% advanced level

house check blue icon

Office, Hybrid

Key benefits of Romanian developers

check mark inside circle green icon

Rapidly developing market

+10,000 romanian software engineers graduating annually and country attracting developers from Ukraine.

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Developers at an affordable price.

The average salary of a Middle developer is $1500-2500, Senior $2000-4500 for the most technology stacks.

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Multilingual specialists

90% of specialists have an advanced level of proficiency in English, and 25% are also fluent in French.

check mark inside circle green icon

State digitization

Government stimulates digitization through regular investments in IT sector and different programs.

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Experienced specialists

High level of IT education and opportunity to hire specialists from IBM, Intel, Adobe, Amazon, and others.

Top 10 Romanian IT specializations in 2024

Java Script
Project Management
UI/UX Design
The statistics was collected for the First Quarter of 2024

The largest IT regions of Romania

The largest IT regions of Romania


The capital of the country, hosts over 110 software development vendors, with the majority (85%) being small romanian companies employing up to 250 engineers.


Prominent hub for some of the top IT companies. 160 software engineering firms establishing their offices in the city, making it a key outsource hiriing destination.


30 engineering vendors with established offices in Iasi. City doesn’t host large enterprises, it is home for 5 midsize Romanian companies.

map romania
*The statistics was collected for the First Quarter of 2024


“I feel we have a partner who aligns with our goals and is committed to our success”

When we work with YozmaTech we experience the following values: dedication, commitment, professionalism, availability and cooperation.

  • 2 years with YozmaTech .

Gabriel Jarczun
R&D manager at ASI

Take your business to new heights with YozmaTech's expertise

  • Assistance with launching, fortifying, or scaling your business.
  • Identifying key growth points.
  • Optimizing processes of personnel recruitment.
  • Hiring top-tier Romanian developers.
  • Support for hired specialists.

Latest closed positions for FinTech

QA Automative
Product manager

Compare Romanian and Israeli developers


ukraine flag circle Ukraine
israel flag circle Israel
romania flag circle Romania

Number of companies




Number of specialists




Average salaries

Middle $$

Senior $$

Middle $$$

Senior $$$

Middle $$

Senior $$

Top 5 specializations

1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#

1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java 
4. C#

5. PhP

1 Java 
2 Java Script 
3 C++ 
4 Python 
5 Project Management

Time to hire

Middle x days
Senior x days

Middle x days
Senior x days

Middle x days
Senior x days

Work model

Remote, Hybrid

Hybrid, Office

Office, Hybrid

Employer taxes




IT sector revenue

3+ Billions of dollars

16+ Billions of dollars

3+ Billions of dollars

Show full table

Number of specialists

Number of specialists

Average salaries

Average salaries

Top 5 specializations

Top 5 specializations

Time to hire

Time to hire

Work model

Work model

Employer taxes

Employer taxes

IT sector revenue

IT sector revenue

ukraine flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $$

Senior $$

Time to hire

1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Remote, Hybrid

IT sector revenue


israel flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $$$

Senior $$$

Time to hire

1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java 
4. C#

5. PhP

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Hybrid, Office

IT sector revenue


romania flag circle


Number of specialists


Average salaries


Top 5 specializations

Middle $$

Senior $$

Time to hire

1 Java 
2 Java Script 
3 C++ 
4 Python 
5 Project Management

Work model

Middle x days
Senior x days

Employer taxes

Office, Hybrid

IT sector revenue


Questions and Answers

We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:

How many developers are in Romania?

In Romania, the thriving tech sector boasts over 200,000 skilled developers who contribute to the industry’s growth and innovation. These software engineers are hired by a network of 8000 or more IT companies, ranging from startups to multinational corporations. Their expertise spans various domains, including software development, web development, mobile app development, and more. This substantial pool of talent underscores Romania’s reputation as a hub for technology and engineering excellence in the global marketplace.

How to hire developers in Romania?

YozmaTech helps you find the best software developers in Armenia who match your technology needs and project requirements. We personalize our approach to ensure you get professionals with the right skills and experience for your project’s success.

What is the hourly rate for software engineer in Romania?

In Romania, software developers’ hourly rates vary widely based on factors like experience, skills, location, and the technologies they work with. On average, rates can range from $10 to $40 per hour or more, especially for senior developers or those with specialized skills.

What taxes for IT companies in Romania?

In Romania, the taxation for IT companies entails:
Employer pay corporate tax:
Companies with revenue less than 500,000 EUR are subject to a corporate tax rate of 1%. For companies surpassing this revenue threshold, the corporate tax rate increases to 16%.
Employees are required to pay a flat income tax rate of 10% on their earnings, which includes all social contributions, taxes, and basic insurance, up to 45% of their income.

What are the most in-demand IT specializations in Romania in 2024?

The most in-demand IT specializations in Romania in 2024:

  • Java 7.1%
  • Java Script 5.7%
  • C++ 6.2%
  • Python 4,1%
  • Project Management  3,8%

In 2024, Romanian’s IT sector showcases a diverse demand for specialized skills. Java, C++, JavaScript, and Python stand out as prominent programming languages sought after by employers. Additionally, expertise in Project Management is also highly valued, indicating a need for professionals capable of overseeing and coordinating IT projects effectively.

Other countries

armenia flag cirlce Armenia

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100 000
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argentina flag circle Argentina

One of the primary IT regions in Latin America, boasting numerous IT universities, quality specialists with affordable rates, and a thriving remote culture.

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Asia’s IT powerhouse, boasting a wealth of English native specialists seamlessly integrated into global IT-giants, with no Western cultural gaps.

Ecosystem size
1 300 000
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philippines flag circle Philippines

Want to hire developers from the Philippines?

poland flag circle Poland

The TOP-3 region in Europe by number of specialists, featuring major IT cities serving as home for international giants, abundant in universities and IT hubs.

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493 000
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portugal flag circle Portugal

One of the most popular countries for remote IT specialists, with top universities, minimal bureaucracy in business operations, and active government support.

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100 000
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portugal flag circle Portugal

Want to hire developers from Portugal?

serbia flag circle Serbia

Small country with a high concentration of IT specialists, hubs, and offices of international companies, as well as comfortable conditions for IT business.

Ecosystem size
48 000
Market size:
serbia flag circle Serbia

Want to hire developers from Serbia?

ukraine flag circle Ukraine

One of the largest and fastest-growing IT markets in Eastern Europe, with experienced, highly qualified specialists at affordable rates, low taxes for Employees and Companies.

Ecosystem size
300 000
Market size:
ukraine flag circle Ukraine

Want to hire developers from Ukraine?

israel flag circle Israel

Renowned as the “Startup Nation,” Israel boasts over 180,000 IT specialists with a proactive mindset, and expertise in R&D, Israeli developers are ideal for innovative global projects.

Ecosystem size
Market size:
israel flag circle Israel

Want to hire developers from Israel?

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