IT in Portugal
10+ Million
UTC +0
34000+ IT companies
100 000+ developers
+20 000 for 2024 year
1+ Billion of dollars
Second most spoken
Remote, Hybrid
Key benefits of Portugal developers
High-caliber specialists
Boasts a highly skilled and adaptable IT workforce, with six tech universities ranking among the World’s Top 500.
Cost-effective developers
The most accessible offshore software development teams among all those based in Western Europe.
Government support
The Portuguese government extends support to new businesses through incentives, such as a tax-free first year for companies.
Minimized bureaucracy
Transparent legal system, online permit applications, and a three-day company registration process.
Inexpensive Workspaces
There is quite affordable rent for entire offices as well as areas in one of the modern coworking spaces.
Top 10 Portugal IT specializations in 2024
The largest IT regions of Portugal
The largest IT regions of Portugal
Tech-friendly environment fueled by “InvestBraga,”, “Startup Braga” and other hubs provides opportunities for nearshore IT teams.
The city’s innovation, including PCI – Creative Science Park, effectively attracts offshore and nearshore IT teams.
Facilitated by initiatives like “Invest Porto,” the municipality actively supports companies, including nearshore IT teams.
Capital, stands out as a vibrant tech-friendly city, hosting major events like WebSummit, transforming it into a European technological hub
Boost your business with YozmaTech
- Get guidance for launching, strengthening, or advancing your project.
- Identify key growth areas for your business.
- Streamline your recruitment processes.
- Hire top-tier Portuguese developers for your team.
- Receive ongoing support for your hired talent.
Compare Portuguese and Israeli developers
Number of companies
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Middle $$
Senior $$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Top 5 specializations
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
1. Full-stack developer
2. Product/Project manager
3. Back-end developer
4. Front-end developer
5. UI/UX designer
Time to hire
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Middle x days
Senior x days
Work model
Remote, Hybrid
Hybrid, Office
Remote, Hybrid
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
3+ Billions of dollars
16+ Billions of dollars
2,5+ Billions of dollars
Number of specialists
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Top 5 specializations
Time to hire
Time to hire
Work model
Work model
Employer taxes
Employer taxes
IT sector revenue
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$
Senior $$
Time to hire
1. React
2. JavaScript
3. Project Manager
4. Java
5. C#
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. JavaScript
2. Python
3. Java
4. C#
5. PhP
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Hybrid, Office
IT sector revenue
Number of specialists
Average salaries
Top 5 specializations
Middle $$$
Senior $$$
Time to hire
1. Full-stack developer
2. Product/Project manager
3. Back-end developer
4. Front-end developer
5. UI/UX designer
Work model
Middle x days
Senior x days
Employer taxes
Remote, Hybrid
IT sector revenue
Questions and Answers
We’ve picked-up the most common questions here in the FAQ section. If you didn’t find the answer to your question feel free to:
How many developers are in Portugal?
As of the year 2024, Portugal stands as home to a robust community of more than 100,000 software developers. Remarkably, within the last year, an additional 20,000 programmers have joined this cohort, marking a substantial growth in the nation’s pool of skilled professionals. This noteworthy influx attests to the dynamic expansion and advancement within Portugal’s technology sector
How to hire developers in Portugal?
If you want to hire developers in Portugal, explore the comprehensive services offered by YozmaTech. Our proficiency lies in facilitating connections between businesses and developers, encompassing diverse skill sets and experience levels. We customize our hiring approach to align with the unique requirements of your project, ensuring a strategic match for its current stage of development.
What is the hourly rate for software developer in Portugal?
In the Portuguese market, the hourly rates for software developers demonstrate a wide spectrum, influenced by variables such as experience, skill set, geographical location, and the intricacies of the technologies involved. On average, hourly remuneration can fluctuate between $20 and $50, and in some cases, exceed this range. Hiring senior developers or those possessing specialized skills typically command higher rates in recognition of their advanced expertise.
What taxes for IT companies in Portugal?
In Portugal, the taxation framework for IT companies is contingent upon the size of their income. The applicable tax rates range from 14.5% to 50.5%, with the predominant rate commonly set at 35%. The actual percentage within this range is determined based on the specific income bracket of the IT company. This nuanced approach allows for a tailored taxation structure that accommodates varying levels of financial success within the industry.
What are the most in-demand IT specializations in Portugal currently?
In 2024, key IT specializations in Portugal are as follows:
Full-stack developer: 18.2%
Back-end developer: 13.8%
Product/Project manager: 8.8%
QA/Testing: 5.3%
Front-end developer: 5.5%
UI/UX designer: 5.3%
These percentages highlight the prominence of full-stack development, back-end expertise, and effective project management in Portugal’s evolving IT landscape.