A business execution leader in the areas of cyber security.
Over 20 years of experience in cyber security, mobile security for law enforcement , enterprise governance and risk, cyber resilience, threat intelligence, cloud enablement, data security, identity management, CERT management, stake holders and vendor management. A trusted advisor to several governments and senior officials in Cyber Security technologies.
Participated in complex enterprise transformation and capability enhancement including:
- Enterprise security strategy
- Next generation IoT security and mobile security
- Board engagement (presentations and reporting).
- Gap analysis for cloud security enablement (security technologies and third party compliance).
- CSO round table world wide
Build corporation between governments, corporates and enterprises, academia , R&D institutes – all in the area of Cyber Security for knowledge sharing and POC test bed infrastructure.
Graduate the Israeli Defence Forces in elite communication unit.
Background of studying computer systems analysis and cyber security studies.
Industry: Cyber security
Value: Engagement for a quick PoC/PoV with CISO level
Professional cyber security trusted advisor for CISO and corporate innovation.
Looking to work with cyber security startup, entrepreneurs and CISO.
Needs: Onboarding cyber security innovation in scale for CISO to solve problems, needs and challenges
Offer: in cyber security innovation topics and domain
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