
The various social networks — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. — have long since become a platform for extensive business activity. The temptation to take advantage of this option is great, and in many cases also worthwhile, but at the same time, it is very important to also maintain a high-quality profile website, one that is built by a software house that specializes in building all types of websites.

The limitations of marketing through social networks

As mentioned, social networks also allow for the advertisement of a very wide range of products and services. The temptation is understandable: in an era where we all spend a lot of time on various networks every day, theoretically, marketing on social networks allows reaching all potential customers. The tendency of business owners themselves to spend time on Facebook, Instagram, etc., also has a clear impact on the perception that social marketing is profitable.

Of course, there are cases where the investment yields the desired results, especially when marketing is done through outsourcing solutions, but it is important to remember that there are also many limitations to social networks as an advertising platform. First of all, there are quite a few people who do not enter the networks — mainly due to awareness of their time-consuming nature. Secondly, many people skip over ads and sponsored content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., and also view “regular” content with skepticism. Another reason to invest in a profile website is the relatively high cost of social marketing, especially if you want to do it at a high level.

The Advantages of a Showcase Website

A showcase website created by a company whose expertise is website design and development greatly benefits any business. Unlike a Facebook page or Instagram account, which may be impressive but get lost in the endless ocean of other pages and the vast amount of content uploaded every minute to the web, a showcase website presents the business and only it, in the most flattering way.

Another good reason to build a showcase website is the expectation of all potential customers. In many cases, a person interested in the business’s products or services wants to know who is behind the product or service. Accordingly, a Google search will be conducted by the business name – and if there is no showcase website, the result will be understandable suspicion regarding the seriousness and quality of the business.

Another advantage of showcase websites is the ability to create exactly the desired impression on potential customers, in accordance with the values that guide the business and its DNA, and of course, tailored to the characteristics of the target audience.

What is Important to Ensure When Building a Showcase Website?

Building a showcase website requires attention to both the technical and content aspects. Accordingly, the first emphasis is finding experts in the field of website programming so that the appropriate plan for the desired website can be perfectly implemented. After that, it is important to also build a quality content plan for the website. For this purpose, a competitor analysis can be conducted – to get an impression of the websites of other players in the business’s field of activity and gain inspiration for content with added value for visitors.

Another way to build an effective content plan is to use tools in the field of SEO, particularly those of Google – where every keyword that many users search for is a basis for possible content. Another recommendation is to try to get into the mindset of the target audience and understand what they are searching for online – and provide them with precise professional answers.

Eye-catching Showcase Website

The dramatic technological advancement now allows for the creation of very complex and impressive websites at a reasonable cost. Accordingly, showcase websites can also include video, rotating image galleries, very user-friendly contact forms, quick and convenient navigation, and many more options. The result is an especially successful user experience, and therefore the maximum chance to create the right impression on site visitors and motivate them to take the desired action.

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