The world’s best mobile device manufacturer has managed to surpass a market value of over 3 trillion dollars for the first time. The expectations of investors, technology experts, and gadget enthusiasts alike do not stem from the development of a new iPhone. What excites them is Apple’s vision for the future internet, the virtual reality environment known as the Metaverse. Although many tech companies are heavily investing in research and development in this field, such as Google, Apple does not intend to stay on the sidelines. According to company executives, including CEO Tim Cook, it is difficult to deduce a concrete plan. However, all estimates indicate that it has full intention to produce devices that support the virtual universe and be at the forefront of pioneers in the new and wonderful world expected to emerge.
Apple’s Future Headset
Technology experts estimate that Apple has been aiming at the Metaverse since the middle of the last decade. As early as 2015, reports began to surface that it was developing a headset that would operate in virtual and augmented reality. At the time, it was claimed that the development would become a tangible product by 2021 – 2022, but apparently, the engineers encountered greater challenges than expected. Other giant companies such as Google and Microsoft, by the way, began entering the field around the same years. Even if Apple is not currently specifying a target date for completing hardware and device developments that will operate in the Metaverse, there is no doubt that investors sense a warming up. For several months, the company’s stock has been attracting interest and showing increases. So if you ask investors and the public, Apple is not only expected to join the field but intends to lead it, just as it took the lead in the smart mobile device market. Being the first company to surpass 3 trillion dollars in market value – this may be the most significant milestone we’ve witnessed recently.
האנליסטים מרוצים – שוק חדש לחלוטין
כמובן שאיש איננו יכול לדעת עדיין עד כמה גדול השוק הצפוי של מציאות מדומה ויקום מורחב וחסר גבולות (אפילו ווירטואליים). אבל כפי שמוכיח הטרנד החדש של NFT, שמהר מאוד עבר מרישום זכויות ליצירות דיגיטליות (ששוות עד מאות אלפים ומיליונים בדולרים) אל פיתוח משחקי NFT, את הטכנולוגיה אי אפשר לעצור.
בשנים האחרונות מנכ”ל אפל ציין בהזדמנויות שונות כי המטאוורס משתלב באופן הדוק עם העתיד של אפל. אנליסטים שעוקבים אחר החברה לא מאתמול צופים כי זה ככל הנראה מנוע הצמיחה החזק ביותר של החברה בעשור הקרוב. למרות שדיבורים סביב הנושא אינם חדשים, את הבאז הנוכחי החל צוקרברג בדיווח מאוקטובר האחרון. צוקרברג (כיום מ-מטא, בעבר פייסבוק) הכריז על הכניסה של החברה למציאות מדומה ולמציאות רבודה, מה שהקפיץ את המניה בקרוב ל-7 אחוזים. לשם השוואה, בימים האחרונים זינקה אפל בקרוב ל-20 אחוזים בבורסה האמריקאית.
Apple will lead the market
One of the senior analysts noted that Apple will have a completely new product category. Furthermore, the estimates are that, as with mobile devices, in virtual reality Apple will take the lead, and in fact, when it enters the market with supporting devices, only then will this technology be adopted on a wide scale. It is important to note and say that many think of this virtual universe in utopian terms. But beyond dreams, it will likely simply be the next stage of the internet. A virtual space where, with the help of avatars, people will be able to play and work, consume entertainment, and go shopping. Analysts who are not afraid to mention numbers believe that by the end of the decade, Apple will be able to release over 20 million virtual reality-supporting devices to the market. Within another ten years, twenty percent of its activity will be in this field.
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