MYOR is a digital health startup bringing precision health solutions to infants and children, with a focus on allergic conditions and nutritional deficiencies. The company has developed products specifically designed to take children’s health one step forward.
NURTURE is one of that projects. This is a digital platform designed to predict and prevent food allergies and atopic dermatitis in infants.
According to world statistics, every third newborn child suffers from allergies and skin diseases. These problems can be prevented in time to identify their sources at the beginning of the picture. This is exactly what NURTURE specialists are developing.
Therefore, the main task of this project was to design a full-fledged medical system for parents and doctors.
This system should include a convenient way to collect information about the baby, doctors’ access to this data, the ability to get results for parents and the presentation of the product itself.
After the design research and information, analysis was decided to separate the project into 3 main parts:
1. Medical Service for Parents
It is the global system for parents where they can register their baby and get full information about health and allergic risks.
2. Information Website
Product presentation website with all information and concept.
3. Doctors CRM
Dashboard for a medical specialist for customer service and research.
The visual part of the design had a huge place in the whole process. Since it was about the kids and the main target audience was their parents, I mainly wanted to reflect the warmth and care.
The main role in the visual style was played by children’s skin, which is the most important factor in communicating with the outside world from the first days of a baby’s life. This is what the whole idea of the product is about.
So what we have after 4 month of creative and productive work?
At the first stage of the project, an in-depth study of competitors and the market as a whole was conducted, as well as an analysis of information and audience. We conducted a survey of users, as a result of which we created a user journey, user flow, site map.
analyzing the data we gradually began to create sketches and
low-level wireframes and were able to proceed to the visual part.
Each stage was accompanied by close cooperation with the customer and the development team.
As a final result, we received a holistic medical platform and a presentation of the brand as a whole
This platform was created for parents usage and parents support.
It consists of a child’s profile page where parents can store all information about the baby. Dashboard which describes all the risks of dermatitis and allergies, the results of medical research.
And a blog page where there are many recipes and tips for caring for your baby.
This site is designed for potential customers with promo pages, which describe all information about the product for both parents and doctors.
This platform is designed for doctors who can track their patients – check all information about them, check the risk report and send a questionnaire. Pie charts help to keep abreast of statistics on each of the risk groups.