Have you ever imagined a world where you have computer interfaces on everything that matters around you? Well, Ivan Poupyrev explains how possible this can be. Here, we are talking about transforming things such as your furniture, equipment, appliances etc. to computer interfaces that give you smart and total control of them.
How do you do this?
This future technology is based on a sensor, which injects structured electric fields into objects and turn them into gesture interfaces. For example, you get sensors that turn your body into a computer interface such that when you turn off your ears the music stops.
Since the world of technology is way lesser than that of the world of things, we need players in the world of things to spearhead the realization of this technological dream. For example, makers of wearable can cooperate with makers of technology to manufacture wearable that have computer interfaces.
To roll this future technology in large scale, the world of technology should share with the manufacturers of the word of things a device with electrodes, which recognizes where it has been plugged and the intended computer functions of the interface. This will enable a massive roll-out of this future tech.